Friday, July 10, 2009

Wild Rice

Wild Rice is not rice but the seeds of the tall wild grass Zizania aquatica native to marshy areas in North America.

The long, dark brown grains are nutty in flavor and chewy in texture.

White Chocolate

White Chocolate tastes like chocolate but is not truly chocolate as it contains no cacao solids.

It is made of cacao butter, milk solids and sugar.


A trumpet shaped wild mushroom, yellow to orange in color and have an apricot aroma.

They are grown in Oregon, but most are imported from France. They can be purchased fresh or dried in supermarkets.

Bean Curd

Soy milk curds that have been been pressed into cakes. Also known as tofu, the bland cakes quickly absorb sauces and blend nicely with foods such as soups and stir-frys.

There are two types: The custardlike Japanese form which is silky and tender but still able to be sliced and the Chinese type holds together even while frying.

Bean curd is perishable and should be refrigerated in water.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

July Celebrations

National Celebrations:

  • National Ice Cream Month
  • National Pickle Month
  • National Hot Dog Month
  • National Picnic Month
  • National Lasagna Awareness Month

July 11th - National Blueberry Muffin Day

July 12th - National Pecan Pie Day

July 13th - National Ice Cream Day

July 15th - National Gummy Worm Day

July 19th - National Daiquiri Day

July 21st - National Junk Food Day

July 28th - National Cheesecake Day

July 29th - National Lasagna Day

Have fun with it!